jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

English Speaking Community Activites Report for October 14, 2016 Iton

KSI Jewish Liteature Book Club Members Assist Members of the Panama West Indian Community!

At its May 2016 meeting, Book Club members met with leaders of the Panama West Indian Museum (Society De Amigos del Museo Afroantillano De Panama) or SAMAAP to diccuss each community’s interests and efforts to contribute to the welfare of all Panamanians.

One conversation focused on the efforts of Alonso and Carmela  Gobern, whom in addition to their SAMAAP commitments have been publishing the Calendario Panama for the past 30 years.

At the meeting Carmela and Alonso shared with those present that all the proceeds from the sale of the calendars are donated to non-profit community based organizations. 

Alsonso and Carmela Gobern

On an annual basis this “labor of love” lists all the many different ethnic community, social and culteral events taking place in Panama. And with the advent of the Jewish and West Indian Communities coming together for dialogue an opportortinity presented itself to the Jewish community.

We were asked to assist in providing photos of Jewish dances for inclusion in the 2017 calendar 

Panama Calendar cover with Jewish dancing on upper right interior side

The ability of Jewish community  to assist another community by way of Congregation Kol Shearith Israel proved to be a very satisfying example of our outreach effort to other communities in Panama; a KSI tradition!

Jewish dancing photos taking place at KSI were provided by Rabbi Kraselnik & congregant Rosalind Baitel

Order Form to purchase the calendar

And Points of distribution in Panama

Thank you again to our friends from SAMAAP for allowing us to assist you. Submitted by robert.jacobvitz@sbcglobal.net

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